
Process Mining Janusmed is a project financed by Stockholm County Council which aims to evaluate the use of Janusmed decision support system.

Janusmed is a non-commercial website providing drug information to support healthcare professionals in their everyday work. The system is integrated with the Take care system. TakeCare is a rational workflow system that is used by care givers in Stockholm to handle electronic medical records.

This project aims to investigate how the Janusmed system is used by different care givers using different process mining techniques and field study.

Process Mining is a area of research that enables discovering of business process models from event logs. It also enables checking the conformance of business processes with the normative business process models. In addition, it can be used to enhance a business process model to incorporate more aspects of the business process. In this project, these techniques will be used on the log files from both Janusmed and TakeCare systems.